Shaftsbury Management Company Limited

Who are we?

Shaftsbury Management Company Limited is responsible for the management of The Pad, 45 Holloway Road, London N7 (“The Pad”) a residential apartment building consisting of 50 apartments.

The Company is a company limited by Guarantee and its members are the residential lessees of The Pad.  The Company is managed as a not-for-profit entity by a board of volunteer directors made up of apartment owners.

The Company subcontracts day-to-day management of the building to a Managing Agent and employs a Concierge at The Pad who is managed by the Managing Agent.

Our contact details

The first point of contact for the Company would be its Managing Agent.

Currently, the Managing Agent is:

London Block Management
3rd floor,
9 White Lion Street,
London N1 9PD

The Company’s details are as follows;

Shaftsbury Management Company Limited
Registered office address
Quadrant House,
Floor 6,
4 Thomas More Square,
London, E1W 1YW
Company Number: 06177246


ICO Registration number: ZA609028

Why do we have a privacy policy

We are required by law to have a Privacy Policy in order that you know what information we hold about you and why. This Policy informs you about the legal basis on which we rely to hold the information and how we use it and share it with others. This Policy also outlines your rights to redress, including how to see the information we hold, how to correct it and how and when it is possible to have it removed or deleted.

Our privacy policy

The Company exists because the terms of the leases of the apartments within The Pad provide that the Company be responsible for providing certain services in connection with the management and running of The Pad subject to receiving service charge payments from the lessees.

The leases provide that residential lessees should be members of the Company.

We handle personal data carefully and responsibly and do not share it with other Pad leaseholders or third parties except:

  • We share your email, physical address, Pad apartment address (if different), details of your property agent or solicitor with our Managing Agent and Solicitors.
  • We share your name and address of the apartment you own with our Accountants as part of the record keeping required to prepare the annual service charge accounts as required by the leases.
  • We share the names and addresses of the Company’s members and our directors (together with other information) and our employee with Companies House and other official bodies as required to do so by law

None of the personal details we obtain or share is used in marketing either on our behalf or on behalf of third parties.

How we hold your personal data

We do not seek to hold or archive personal data.
Rather, the personal data of lessees is held by our Solicitors and our Managing Agent who hold it securely on our behalf. 
The exception to this is:

  • Our website, Where lessees have chosen to create an account on the site for the purpose of joining discussions or to access documents and areas of the site restricted to lessees, we hold an electronic record of your name and email address. Website user accounts may be closed and the information deleted at anytime by emailing

The legal basis for using your personal data

Whenever we store or process your personal information, we have ensured we have a lawful basis to do so under both the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The lawful bases for processing and storing your personal data we rely on are legal requirement, contract, consent, and legitimate interest.

Legal requirement:
When lessees become members of the Company we are obliged to keep Members Lists which are handled by our Solicitors on our behalf and shared with Company’s House as required by law. In addition we are obliged to keep a directors register containing personal details of our directors, again handled by our Solicitors on our behalf, which we also share with Company’s House as required by law.

Contract: When someone purchases a lease of an apartment at the Pad, they authorise us by contract to manage aspects of lease, including the collecting of service charges and related expenses either directly or via our appointed agents. To do this task, we obtain your name, physical address, phone number and email address and details of your legal agent or solicitor and share this with our Managing Agent.

Legitimate interest: For communications with directors we store details of phone numbers, emails and other personal details of directors. We may temporarily hold a list of email addresses of lessees for the purpose of one-off company communications.

Consent: If a lessee asks for a user account to be set up for the website we ask for consent to store your name and email address.

The personal data we hold and our lawful basis

Below is a list of the personal data we may hold and the basis (different basis may apply in different contexts) on which we hold it.

Title Legal requirement, legitimate interest, contract, consent
First name Legal requirement, legitimate interest, contract, consent
Last name Legal requirement, legitimate interest, contract, consent
Date of Birth Legal requirement, legitimate interest, contract, consent
Email Legal requirement, legitimate interest, contract, consent
Phone Legal requirement, legitimate interest, contract, consent
Address Legal requirement, legitimate interest, contract, consent
Apartment number Legal requirement, legitimate interest, contract, consent
Solicitor or agent name and contact details Legal requirement, legitimate interest, contract, consent

Who do we share your personal data with?

For lessees, we share personal data with our appointed Solicitors and Managing Agent for the purpose of maintaining the Company’s Statutory Books and managing the building, collecting fees and administrating the company.  We do not otherwise share personal data unless that of directors and employees as obliged to by law.

Currently, the Managing Agent is:

London Block Management

The main point of contact is:

James Lee
020 7870 4000

For how long do we keep your personal data?

We will authorise the Managing Agent to keep your personal data for as long as you are a lessee and until and unless you have ceased to be a lessee and do not have an outstanding debt or otherwise unfinished business relating your lease.

How we communicate with you using your personal information

Usually communication with you will be via our Managing Agent. When we contact you directly, it may be by email, letter or phone.

Your rights under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The GDPR 2018 regulation gives you individual rights in relation to your personal information. Not all the rights are absolute and for instance, the right of erasure applies only in certain circumstances.

Your rights include, along with the right to be informed, (the basis for this privacy policy and the notifications on the website):

•    The right of access

•    The right to rectification

•    The right to erasure

•    The right to restrict processing

•    The right to data portability

•    The right to object

•    Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

You can follow up these rights with us in writing or email at the addresses above.

Your right of access

You have a right to see the personal data relating to you that we hold. Usually, this information is limited to your name, your address, your email address, your phone number and details of your agent or solicitor if shared with us.

Your right to rectification (correcting errors)

You have the right to have incorrect information we hold about you corrected. Let us know, and we will investigate the problem and if the information is incorrect, change it. See how to contact us, below.

Your right to erasure

Under GDPR law, you have the right to have personal data erased. But this is not an absolute right and doesn’t apply in all circumstances. We will remove the data we hold by virtue of your “consent” for instance your website account log in details.

If the personal data is held because of a contract between us, or through a legitimate interest we will not necessarily be able to remove it.

We will respond to any requests to erase data in 28 days. See how to contact us, below.

Your right to restrict processing

You have a right to restrict us processing (using) your personal data in certain circumstances. You will need to tell us the particular, legally-based, reason for wanting the restriction. It could be that the information is wrong or that you believe we have processed it unlawfully. We will investigate and decide on the accuracy of the data and whether our legitimate grounds override the restriction. See how to contact us, below.

Your right to data portability

You have the right to a copy of the data you have supplied to us by consent or because of a contract that exists between us, or that we store electronically. We will respond to requests within 28 days. See how to contact us, below.

Your right to object

You have the right to object in certain circumstances to the processing of your personal data. You can object to how we use of your data in pursuance of our legitimate interests or the performance of a task in the public interest or its use in direct marketing or for its use in scientific or historical research and statistical analysis.

•    If you wish to object to the use of your data that is processed based on our legitimate interests, you must state the grounds relating to your particular situation.

•    If you wish to object to the use of your data for research purposes, you must state the grounds relating to your particular situation.

To make an objection, see how to contact us, below.

Your rights to automated decision making and profiling

We do not automate any part of the processing of data we hold.

Website cookies

We use a minimal number of cookies on the site, most are “essential” cookies required to deliver the site.

GDPR Cookie ConsentHTTP1 YearDetermines whether the user has accepted the cookie consent box
NIDHTTPSessionRegisters a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device.
PHPSESSIDsessionSessionPreserves user session state across page requests.
wordpress_test_cookiesessionSessionUsed to check if the user's browser supports cookies

How to complain

You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.

The ICO’s address:          
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Helpline number: 0303 123 1113